Work With – 20thFloor Techease

We’ve got ideas too. We help refine yours, with our experience – and help you give it a shape in form of wireframe, prototype or even an MVP.more
Startups Angelsmore
We love Startups! We help startups of all sizes, irrespective of their stages – to nurture, build and grow their amazing ideas on mobile and web.more
Idea to Prototype more
Development Servicemore
We provide full stack development, design and technical consulting services, that your startup cannot ramp up immediately.more
Maintenance and Support more
We hand-hold the entire technical stack of your product, to ensure your end-users never see your services down.more
Small Businesses more
Increasing information mobility for your business by creating instant decision making tools with secure, cloud drive and intuitive solutions.more
Helping you to take your business online, reach other markets and maximise opportunities.more
Business Automation more
Consumer Apps more
Consumers drive the business. That’s why we take an extra leap to produce stunning apps and websites for your end users, focused towards increasing sales and brand visibility. more
We help you lay down a transformation map for your enterprise to migrate from legacy systems to a contemporary mobile-based solution. As well, we’ll assist in defining a clear strategy to reduce friction in current systems and identify where mobile can fit in to optimize resources, time and cost.more
We augment our strong history of working with thousands of ideas to build a unique enterprise solution – with rich user experience.more
Mobile Strategy more
Enterprise Mobility more
Mobile has always been the core of any enterprise strategy. Our experienced consulting team will ensure the processes and workflow are well taken care of, proposing solution, with secure and connected or cross-platform mobile applications.more
Our expert team of advisors will identify and study the challenges, bringing solutions to ensure a smooth and efficient running of your business.more